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Comment count is 9
BiggerJ - 2010-06-24

This is relevant to the plot, as the rabbits are the same rabbit in different points in its timeline. It is sent on a twisting path through time and space that results in it becoming a nigh-unstoppable fighting machine. Seriously.

Comeuppance - 2010-06-24

Fuck. Man, last time I checked there was some guy with a can city that he was mayor of.

Now this.

I need to catch up. Goddamnit.

Sundry - 2010-06-25

All the gifts were important.

John first got the original ConAir bunny from his best friend as a thank-you because he had given his friend the shades that helped redefine him. John then gave the bunny to baby Rose (Here), who repaired it in the future using the knitting supplies that John had given her previously in his time line. John got the knitted bunny from Rose later in both their time lines (But before this). He then gave the knitted bunny to baby Jade (Here). Jade, following the instructions of her grandpa (Who is John's half-clone), then modified the bunny into some kind of android weapon.

Redlof - 2010-06-25

Forget all that. Here's what you need to know to understand this video: John is obsessed with bad movies. He keeps trying to re-enact Con Air because he is insane.

Hubba Bubba Nightmare - 2010-06-25

I loves me some MSPA

chumbucket - 2010-06-25

bunneh love

memedumpster - 2010-06-25

Wow, this new KoRn video sucks!

mashedtater - 2010-06-25

i am so glad i started reading that comic!

minimalist - 2010-06-27


I only started reading this a couple of weeks ago, and I finally got caught up yesterday. How did I ever miss this for over a year, holy shit.

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