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Comment count is 15
Samisyosam - 2010-07-07

Well, I just scared my neighbors by shouting "CUNT!" at the computer. Good work, hawaii.

StanleyPain - 2010-07-07

fuck you

La Loco - 2010-07-07


Camonk - 2010-07-07

Aloha, cunt.

Aloha can mean hello, goodbye, or I hope you die of every kind of cancer at once.

Toenails - 2010-07-07


Let's hear it for repressed dyke governors setting Hawaii back 20 years!

lustygoat - 2010-07-07

this woman is so boring and dull i voted this down in the hopper.

5 stars for history's hopper, which will vote her boring ass into utter obscurity as a brighter, gayer future dawns.

Senator_Unger - 2010-07-07

If you refuse to govern and just push the politically difficult decisions off onto the voters, what are you even doing there? Just misappropriating tax dollars? Cutting ribbons? Try making a difficult, unpopular but ultimately just decision for once.

Document - 2010-07-08

Yeah, I don't think that'll happen.

I agree with the sentiments but - like many have pointed out before - being a politician is pretty much like any other job to these career bureaucrats. Governance has very little to do with it. You keep your head down, try and avoid shit and try and stay in power for as long as you possibly can. Pushing difficult decisions to referendum is pretty much the most transparent form of populist appeasement.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-07

I guess I was under the assumption that civil unions were already legal in Hawaii. Is she just vetoing a law that has already existed?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-07-08

Dear Hawaii, You have plenty of water. Please take advantage of this and throw a bucket of it on her to melt her cunt ass. Thanks, ROUS

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-07-08

oh and you can respond to her by telling her exactly how you feel right over here

http://www.capwiz.com/politicsol/mail/?id=131476&type=GV&state =HI

phalsebob - 2010-07-08

"No outbursts please, children. Let's not be unreasonable."

Aren't there a lot of volcanoes in Hawaii to take care of this sort of thing?

notascientist - 2010-07-08

It is a completely bullshit argument too - issues of minority rights should never be decided by referendum because, duh, the majority will always win.

fatatty - 2010-07-08

Okay I was going to post that maybe she had a point and the voters of Hawaii should decide, but yeah you're right. Really she's just trying to save political skin and kick the can down the road.

SeaSerpent - 2010-07-08

4 for use of the word haole in the title, +1 for evil.

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