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Comment count is 17
James Woods - 2010-07-15

Awesome. Unfortunate intro/outro though.

Yellow Lantern - 2010-07-15

Agreed. Sadly, this is the only version presently on Youtube.

chairsforcheap - 2010-07-15

no way this isn't worth five even with that smug cunt

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-07-15

Truly awesome. Worked out perfectly.

memedumpster - 2010-07-15

This transformed my shitty morning. Right now I am so happy that the Internet never forgets.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-07-15

As funny as I find this whole thing, it keeps getting dampened by my ever-growing understanding of just how horrible Mel Gibson is.

Camonk - 2010-07-15

Take comfort in the fact that SOMEONE still kills Drew Barrymore. In this time of crisis, you have to take pleasure in the little things.

tmavomodry - 2010-07-15

It's getting worse. Now apparently he not only punched the woman but also managed to hit his baby daughter on the chin at the same time.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-07-15

The daughter that he speaks of like a piece of property.

Camonk - 2010-07-15

She's HIS daughter and he can HIT HER IF HE WANTS you fucking SELFISH CUNT!!

James Woods - 2010-07-16


IrishWhiskey - 2011-05-14

Camonk made me laugh at horrible racists abusing children.

mouser - 2010-07-15

This works. I feel a remake soon.

Udderdude - 2010-07-15

Oh Mel.

Innocent Bystander - 2010-07-15

This was also funny.

Nikon - 2010-07-15

I would have given it a five without the intro and outro.

SeaSerpent - 2010-07-17

I have plenty of energy to drive over there. You understand me?

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