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Desc:'We're more than potatoes and nothing' (Funded by Idaho State Potato Commission)
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:stereotypes, potato, Idaho, business-friendly is code for corporate tax perks, at least we dont have a deficit?
Submitted:Johnny Madhouse
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Comment count is 25
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-07-20

Idaho: We passed a resolution praising Napoleon Dynamite!

Aelric - 2010-07-20

Well, I'm convinced.

Hooker - 2010-07-20

I love the restaurant he's at just before the four minute mark that's serving him cooked pasta noodles in a bowl with a fun assortment of primary colour placemats and napkins overlooking majestic suburbia.

SolRo - 2010-07-20

You dont like plain spagetti noodles with spinach and peaches?

Goofy Gorilla - 2010-07-20

That's at least a bit of urbia.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-20

Now with only 86% white supremacy!

gleepglop - 2010-07-20

40% Mormons
30% Apocalyptic Racist cultists training to resist the NWO
20% Rich Californian assholes
10% Pigfuckers

cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-20

That's the NEW Ku Klux Klan difference!

Scynne - 2010-07-20

Actually makes me consider moving...

Chalkdust - 2010-07-20

oh shit highways!

pastorofmuppets - 2010-07-21

They're easy to build out there.

Rape Van Winkle - 2010-07-20

I don't care. I just want to live in a place where I can have short barreled rifles.

Chet - 2010-07-20

4:10 - toy dinosaurs are going to defend the Idaho border?

twinkieafternoon - 2010-07-21

We need to finish the danged fence with velociraptors.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-07-20

Idaho: providing nuclear waste for the FUTURE.

Also, hunting.

Repomancer - 2010-07-20

Two worthwhile things in Idaho:
1) Craters of the Moon
2) Pheasant hunting in the sugar beet fields around Rupert

The skiing at Sun Valley sucks a big fat one. You may as well go to Vermont or one of those other horrible places favored by people who go on ski vacations where things like "snow" and "mountains" aren't important.

Most "Idaho potatoes" are grown in Oregon anyway, these days.

ashtar. - 2013-09-30

Craters of the Moon is a thing you should see if you like things and seeing.

erratic - 2010-07-20

I used to live in Idaho. so, yeah. there's that

augias - 2010-07-20

We get to go somewhere you aren't?

erratic - 2010-07-20


cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-20

My granddad once owned a lumbermill and most of the northern panhandle, he sold it all BECAUSE it was worthless.

RockBolt - 2010-07-20

Also, huckleberries and silver mining

pastorofmuppets - 2010-07-20

For "turnover hasn't been an issue"

Doomstein - 2010-07-21

Actually for me, miles of barren nothingness is a strong selling point.

Louis Armstrong - 2010-07-25

The Lewiston Grade was neat to see.

Its sorta better then Wisconsin anyways.

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