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Comment count is 34
stanleypain - 2006-10-30

-1 star for no one even interacting with the little guy at all.

Afgh - 2006-10-30

holy jesus christ, that guy is giving kittens a run

grimcity - 2006-10-30

I wish to pet this animal.

Camonk - 2008-08-31

My preference runs toward hugging it. I could hug it. You could pet it. Then we could be friends.

Vallombrosa - 2006-10-30


snerd2 - 2006-10-30

I don't just want a corgi; I want THAT corgi.

Gurlugon - 2006-10-30

I.. puppy.. so cute.. cuddle

RockBolt - 2006-10-30


athodyd - 2006-10-30


AJumpingSpider - 2006-11-01


Caminante - 2006-11-04

It appears to be some manner of dog.

Stog - 2007-02-19


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-03-13

The harmonious meditation of puppy-watching. My soul feels cleansed already.

tamago - 2007-03-19

Welsh corgis are my favourite dog ever.

BAC - 2007-03-26

mmm...BBQ or teriyaki?

SebastianMelmouth - 2007-04-18

Nothing on eartch looks as happy as a happy corgi.

fluffy - 2007-05-02

Puppies don't do it for me like kitties do.

numb - 2008-01-25

go to hell and die!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-19

I needed that. I feel so peaceful now.

keinsignal - 2007-05-19

Baby Ein!

bac - 2007-11-09


ninja related crimes - 2007-06-04

+1 star for no one interacting with the little guy at all.

Merzbau - 2007-07-05

The single floppy ear gets me every time. So, so awesome.

1394 - 2007-08-05


poples - 2007-10-25

Great puppy, you gotta love 'em. But where's his tail? Cruel butchering motherfuckers, countries that allow docking should be bombed.

Pie Boy - 2007-11-25

Apparently these dogs are actually domineering and arrogant.



Borborygmus - 2008-02-10

They really got cuteness down to a science. That bouncing little ear gets a closeup. LOOK AT THAT SMILE. Oh, now he's dreaming...

pure puppy pornography

Billie_J_Buttfuck - 2008-08-18

oh my god he bumped his little puppy nose into the camera

thatonegirl - 2008-09-04

I can sit here and watch this all day. so adorable...

sparklefatty - 2008-09-07

You won't be laughing when he rips your throat out. Corgis are infamous for that.

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-02

Erased from the pages of history, it was recently discovered that the first victor of the Mortal Kombat tournament was a Welsh Corgi. Using dark magic, he was able to create a portal to travel back in time to challenge the greatest warriors the Universe has ever known and cut a bloody swath to emerge as Champion. He later proceeded to the Outerworld to kill and slaughter as he pleased, leading armies of fearful followers into suicidal conquest. Many dark wizards and assassins would challenge him but all would fall at the fury of his furry fighting form.

He would die of boredom and old age at 21, and the few survivors would rewrite the events so as to bury their shame at being defeated at the paws of a mere dog.

Syd Midnight - 2008-09-30

This is one of the best videos ever submitted.

kingofthenothing - 2009-03-03

It's that dog from Sword of the Stranger!

Gagnon II - 2009-11-29


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