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Comment count is 27
Riskbreaker - 2010-07-21

Double post at the same time, Double M Night Crapalan, double the fun!

Chalkdust - 2010-07-21


Macho Nacho - 2010-07-21


dead_cat - 2010-07-21

It means that my idea for a reality show with M. Night Shyamalan and Mel Gibson as roomies, chained together at the ankle, might just get picked up.

CapnJesusHood - 2010-07-21

Of all the events not to be ravaged by a brutal outbreak of bloody cartel violence, this press conference had to be it?!

garcet71283 - 2010-07-21


That sounds alot better than that "The Last Airbender" crap.

garcet71283 - 2010-07-21


kwash - 2010-07-21

The post so nice he made it twice!

Dinkin Flicka - 2010-07-21

I need need NEED to get into that class on The Happening!

GravidWithHate - 2010-07-21

"I'm not sure how to respond to that." He said two minutes into a three minute answer.

And who is the little toe-rag asskisser beside him?

CapnJesusHood - 2010-07-21

That's Jackson Rathbone, some queermo who was in the movie. His other notable acting role is in the Twilight movies. Way to waste a kickass name, kid.

Doomstein - 2010-07-21

I know right? With a name like Rathbone you'd think he'd be a soldier/cage fighter/pirate/porn star.

Reminds me of American General Charles Hartwell BoneSteel III who was the supreme commander in Korea in the 60's and also WORE A FUCKING EYE-PATCH!!

Baldr - 2010-07-21

I know it breaks the concept of a philosophical zombie if you can point at someone and say, "That's definitely a philosophical zombie", but sometimes I really think I can tell.

Candlejackv616 - 2010-07-21

I love that comment of his regarding Google, very telling. Can't wait till the "an artist no one understands" tag is active, it will most likely comprise of nothing but clips of this pretentious coward.

I wonder if he ever criticized anyone's work? That would amazing to watch.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-07-21

"that one movie you did was good, now you suck and you sold out. Is that a correct judgment on your career?"

"NO U!"

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-07-21

De'Nile ain't just a river in Egypt amirite?

sosage - 2010-07-21

"Has anyone informed you that you suck?"

"Fuck you. You suck"

Neither side is very tactful about this.

Riskbreaker - 2010-07-21

She's asking him he feels about people not being into his movies anymore. Sure, it was no a well worded question, and the whole "you turned comercial" thing is dumb. But the way he responded is fucking childish and stupid. He could had answer in a dozens of intelligent and polite ways, and he picks the asshole route, way to proof her wrong.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-21

If you're ever feeling like your hope in humanity is a little too high, try listening to some of his DVD commentaries. He talks like this ALL THE TIME.

Pillager - 2010-07-21

Failing upwards, indeed.

RomancingTrain - 2010-07-21

Asking a hack writer who writes the most self-indulgent movies ever if he can comprehend that real people don't like his movies, real smart, lady.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-07-21

i have told this story here before, but i shall tell it again for posterity. gather round, PoE'ers. how pineapplejuicer almost killed M. Night Shyamalan:

years ago i was a farm manager, relatively thankless job that involved murderous hours but paid pretty well considering i was still in college at the time. i was called into a special meeting with my boss and a gentleman from paramount studios and was told that M. Night Shyamalan had selected our obscure little farm in southeast pennsylvania to film his latest movie (the village). i was instructed to lie to anyone asking about any movies being filmed, not to bother any cast members, etc. etc.

fast forward a few months and the whole thing has become routine, sigourney weaver would come down to the produce stand to buy some lunch and tell people she heard she looks like sigourney weaver all the time. a good friend who was working for me at the time was driving one of our fleet of pick-up trucks at a high rate of speed around the farm and i was riding shotgun. we were hauling a full load of something and had lots of momentum going, and as he whipped around a corner, there was an indian gentleman standing in the middle of the road drinking a glass of wine and talking on a cell phone. my friend jumped on the breaks and we screeched to a halt literally inches from the man. he looked extremely shaken, gave us a grateful/apologetic wave and vanished into a nearby building.

two weeks later the event was largely forgotten until my boss asked me if i was aware that i'd nearly killed a famous director. he'd talked with mr. night about it and he was very happy to be unharmed.

moral of the story: i could have prevented The Happening AND The Last Airbender from existing. but fate, how cruel thy threads.

standard8mm - 2010-07-21

Good story. USA all the way.

chumbucket - 2010-07-21

I would kill myself if I missed that opportunity

Timothy A. Bear - 2010-07-21

It is about a man who is constantly killed by the same truck, and then he has to pick himself up.

memedumpster - 2010-07-21

I have heard this story before, and it never gets old.

standard8mm - 2010-07-21

Screw you Japan doesn't care about your silly endings. Japan has far more strange metaphysical endings.

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