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Comment count is 9
Herr Matthias - 2006-10-29

The last one is the best.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2006-10-29

Funny, but where the hell is the "Homer Thompson" routine?

RockBolt - 2006-10-29

Too much of the newer stuff, ugh

ishida829 - 2006-10-29

Grew up on the show and YES i still find the newer ones funny.

zatojones - 2006-10-30

-2 for the inclusion of anything after season 7

Old_Zircon - 2006-10-30


mr666 - 2006-10-30

The newer seasons aren't as good as the older ones, but they still have their moments

SRBtP - 2006-12-24

Is the last one seriously Bart and Milhouse living The Fermata?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-18

I don't care what anyone says, even the newest Simpsons still manage to have their moments.

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