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Comment count is 16
pastorofmuppets - 2010-07-28

This one should probably have gone to a real court.

Volbard - 2010-07-28

Doesn't the show pay the settlements? They probably had a better chance of actually getting some money in fake court than in real court.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-07-28

Are you kidding? That was awesome!

MongoMcMichael - 2010-07-28

That is a nicely dressed crackhead.

Scynne - 2010-07-28

She she could afford it with free range of her mother's bank account.

Rosebeekee - 2010-07-28

I really want to know what her counter claim was for.

The Mothership - 2010-07-28

I been unemployed for almost a year, so I watch a lot of JM; I think this is the angriest that I have ever seen the man.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-28

I love how the advertising on these shows just automatically assumes you're unemployed, and better still, that you have an axe to grind.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-07-28

Now THAT'S great TV! The plaintiff weeping at her mother's public humiliation, while the defendant herself seems impervious. You can't deny that there's real drama going on here. It transcends the usual sense guilty pleasure.

Mathis probably IS the best TV judge, but I'm also a fan of Lynn Toler of "Divorce Court", and (as I like to call her) Judge Marilyn MILFian of "the people's court".

I didn't get a digital upgrade, and haven't had broadcast TV in over a year. I miss these court shows, and I also miss those wonderful-horrible paternity tests on "Maury", which presented GENUINELY dramatic situations and family conflicts and prepackaged them in a tight, fast, bite-sized formula that seemed inspired by professional wrestling. That was evil genius. There was never a shortage of fucked-up paternity situations, so they could squeeze in four or five familes shattered or restored per show. Now THAT was a guilty pleasure!

Once, a nasty old black matriarch came on to prove that her dead son was not the father of the child in question. (Can't remember how they got the DNA, but he was father). She entered proudly, calmly, holding her head up. She was clutching her son's ashes in a wooden box... and you knew it must be sweeps week.

RocketBlender - 2010-07-28

Judge Millian has been on here a couple times. Just look up the JILF tag.

Big Muddy - 2010-07-28

From a person who's had a lot, a LOT, deceptively taken and stolen for crack and other narcotics, this is most definitely real. I must credit that Mathis cause getting a public admission from a crackhead is a rare damn thing. Sad thing is, the parents usually do die before their messed up kids simply because of the stress. My dad did 4yrs ago and now his best friend just did for the exact same reason.

Sorry, this just seems very pertinent to me.

Toenails - 2010-07-28

Mathis is seriously the best television judge.

He can murder people with just his voice. What he actually says is just icing on the cake.

There was an episode where a couple got called out for being racist, and he just shut their case down on the spot. It was fucking beautiful.

roughnready66 - 2010-07-28


roughnready66 - 2010-07-28

actually slightly before that

Wander - 2010-07-28

I'm sure that this helped everyone involved live a happier life.

Hay Belly - 2010-07-28

I'll bet it did, vindication is awesome. And in front of millions of people too, how many get that? Those girls deserved it. No one would tell the daughter to respect her mother after seeing that, and I'll bet a lot did before.

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