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Comment count is 13
Xenocide - 2010-08-29

From the network that brought you Avatar!

RocketBlender - 2010-08-29

Every now and then a network will accidently do something awesome. Just look at Fox.

Macho Nacho - 2010-08-29

It's like if all worse parts of the 90s and 80s condensed into one show.

RocketBlender - 2010-08-29

"In a battle between old and new..." So, if it's not cutting edge, it'd evil? The hell is the message here?

Xenocide - 2010-08-29

You can tell the villain is evil because he's not down with the Facebook text messaging or the latest rock tapes.

RocketBlender - 2010-08-29

His minions still use friendster and portable CD players.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-08-29

See, my first impression was that the city is old (clearly it takes time for a metropolis to develop), and the mad scientist and his mutant army are new (otherwise this conflict would have been already addressed).

Go children! Fight against change and for the status quo!

kingarthur - 2010-08-29

How is this different from GI Joe or Transformers as far as product placement?

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-08-29

Those shows sold things that usually didn't end up smelling like a child's foot.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-08-29

The majority of this website's users don't have nostalgia for it and therefore are able to use their critical facilities.

dead_cat - 2010-09-02

Say what you will about shitty plastic toys and the TV shows written to sell them, but at least you could play with them.

memedumpster - 2010-08-29

This brave cluster of iHeroes will crush the forces of Villain98!

dementomstie - 2010-08-29

The "heroes" come from Skecher shoes(I work in the shoe department at a department store) and there are comics based off of them in the boxes with the shoes. There are different character sets for the different styles(super heroes for boy shoes, girl rock band for girl shoes) One of the character sets is a team of heroes that match up to light up shoes and all have names based off of forms of light(I think), except for the girl of the team who is named "Tesla".
5 stars for evil and making me think of work when I'm not at work.

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