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Comment count is 23
roughnready66 - 2010-09-03

I like how every one blames the young d-bag, even though it's not his fault.

fatatty - 2010-09-03

It's the douche's fault for being a douche. Though it's also the tea bagger old people's fault for being so easily offended by him swearing too much.

They only hate political correctness when it means they can't say racist shit.

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-09-03

Old people can't fight.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-09-03


Anaxagoras - 2010-09-03

I love the camerman's commentary before the fight gets going.

takewithfood - 2010-09-03

0:24 is a definite "get tha fuck outta here"

Binro the Heretic - 2010-09-03

What the fuck happened here?

As far as I can tell, a feeble old dude who had no business starting a fight tried to start one with some kid. Then he fell down. Then a bunch of other feeble old farts tried to jump the kid.

And one of them tried to lean the kid over a rail and ass-rape him.

Who knows the rest of this story?

takewithfood - 2010-09-03

According to the video's description, the woman complained that buddy was swearing too much during the game. He seems to be arguing that he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and that maybe she should move down to some of the empty seats in the front rows while fucking herself if she doesn't like what he has to say.

What I can't figure out is what a guy like that is doing with tickets to the US Open.

sosage - 2010-09-03

Just for every amateur tough guy with the obligatory beer gut and shitty ray ban knock offs running to the scene after old fart falls over.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-09-03

This is why the Kilrathi held so much scorn for humanity.

Planck's Length - 2011-05-23


The Huggable Universe - 2010-09-03

The young man seems completely unaffected by the old man's hug attack.

This leads me to believe that the young man is a homosexual.

The old man seems to have difficulty recovering from wrapping his arms around another man.

This leads me to believe that the old man is a Goodly Man of God, and therefor the righteous party in this grievance.

Case dismissed.

Cowboy Funk - 2010-09-03

A different angle with much better audio is here.


Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-09-03

Very interesting. This includes a bit before the POE video where the lady smacks him pretty hard.

In my opinion, he may have been a douche, but that's not reason to get physical and try to assault the kid. At worst, they should have gotten their lazy asses up and gone and found an official security person to talk to him, instead of trying to "teach him a lesson", as I'm sure the old guy was trying to do. The kid did have enough sense to shrug off the slap, and then the old guy came up, the kid stood up, and the old guy took a step back and tripped over the seats.

All the people in that crowd are morons, and really make me hate humanity. There is a proper way to do things, and yelling "throw him out" constantly, while security is talking to him doesn't help anything.

Potrod - 2010-09-03

I'm sort of surprised that the narrator of this video, and everybody around them, are on the old man's side, though we don't see what led to the altercation. Based on the evidence presented so far I'm on Team Douchebag all the way.

Meerkat - 2010-09-03

I think you are mistaken that he is on the old man's side, he clearly says "I got that on video, you're the one that got jumped" and it's pretty obvious the young guy did not do the jumping.

Potrod - 2010-09-03

I'm talking about the woman and the people around her in the video that Cowboy Funk linked.

Meerkat - 2010-09-03

See comment below.

RocketBlender - 2010-09-03

This comment?

gambol - 2011-11-10

no this one

Meerkat - 2010-09-03

Oh yeah, whoever that is needs a boot to the head.

Timothy A. Bear - 2010-09-04

They got the nosebleed madness.

Squeamish - 2010-09-07


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