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Comment count is 18
RocketBlender - 2010-09-06

YES!! More of this!

Mike Tyson?! - 2010-09-06

I love the deinterlacing on this. Hooray!

jangbones - 2010-09-06

God I didn't even notice with all the other idiocy going on.

Someone needs to interview Ramon.

garcet71283 - 2010-09-06

The deinterlacing is almost artistic.

RocketBlender - 2010-09-06

What is deinterlacing? Is that the occasional fuzzy effect that keeps happening?

baleen - 2010-09-06

More than you want to know:

In a nutshell, your DV camcorder is taking 25 different frames per second, composed of 4 scan lines (odd and even) at slightly different times (50 images total). This is called interlace. When you try to combine 2 different times into 1 time (progressive/sequential scanning, the method your computer monitor uses) you get interlace problems.

To slightly correct the folks above, the distortion you are seeing is due to combing. If it were deinterlaced properly, there would be none of that horizontal combing whenever there was motion. So the combing is not a result of deinterlacing, it's a result of of some poorly done conversion without deinterlacing properly.

The problem you see in this video is probably because it was shot in PAL DV, then resized without any kind of deinterlacing done, like so:


Also, this is totally great.

JimL2 - 2010-09-07

also he apparently just copied this from a VOB file, which is the raw MPEG1 file that's burned to a DVD. Does Youtube even allow that format? Who can say.

baleen - 2010-09-07

Youtube can deal with a lot different stuff now and will reformat it as it transcodes it into flash, so any problems with the video encoding itself is all his fault.

StanleyPain - 2010-09-06

Oh my god, the bullet chain is made of little wooden bullets.

Mike Tyson?! - 2010-09-06

I would also like to point out they hired the ONE Asian guy in Uganda.

Koda Maja - 2010-09-06

Good to know that even Ugandan action movies have a token Asian on the team.

onionradish - 2010-09-06

I wonder what the threshold is at which point something is considered "LARP" and at which point it's considered "acting."

sosage - 2010-09-06

If your diet consists of Burger King, LARPing.

Old_Zircon - 2010-09-06

I expected RAZOR Ramon, but this is even better.

Jimmy Labatt - 2010-09-06

These are the greatest.

JimL2 - 2010-09-07

I didn't rate this at first because I thought it was a satire.

JimL2 - 2010-09-07

I mean I don't want to give anything away but the guns they are using.

Triggerbaby - 2010-09-07

One might figure that Uganda would be an easy place to acquire prop guns.

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