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Comment count is 12
IrishWhiskey - 2010-09-19

I really doubt she did. Media hungry pastors routinely lie about having a Satanic past with drugs and witchcraft. She's even confusing Satanism and paganism, something a wiccan would never do.

All this really tells you is that she's not outside the GOP mainstream. She's just as willing to lie and pander to extremists for the sake of personal ambition as Rove, Gingrich, and the rest of them.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-09-19

she did cancel all of her sunday talk show appearances after this came out though, i hope its enough to alienate some of her jesus-lovin' tea party base

Pillager - 2010-09-19

Nah, they hate Obama too much to abandon their great white dope.

Toenails - 2010-09-19

Well, she's also getting investigated for misuse of her campaign funds through the years, which might also have a role in her recent aversion to the spotlight. Here's a CNN article about it that just made Fark's politics page:


I know there were already people making an issue about this before she even won the candidacy, but it's getting more attention now, probably because of statements like this:

"...in 2009, Miss O'Donnell wasn't a candidate for anything, yet she had numerous campaign expenses, things like travel and gas..."

Ouch. But, her cancellations of the appearances have done more damage than any of these allegations or even the strange comments she has made in the past. If you cannot deal with the crucible of public scrutiny, then you are pretty unfit for any type of leadership role (see: George W. Bush, Sarah Palin).

SolRo - 2010-09-19

sadly, unfit for office and unelectable are not the same thing in america

fulakarp - 2010-09-20

Honestly a lot of Jesusy people really do believe they have had genuine encounters with Satanic groups and the like. There's a large portion of the population for whom the Satanic Panic is still alive and well.

She's full of shit regardless, obviously.

Syd Midnight - 2010-09-20

They manage to convince kids that sorcery exists, which means they can have actual real magic powers, which means every teen is going to try it sometime and either figure out it's not real or get scared and forever after claim they were almost seduced by Satan because they used a Ouija board once and it totally worked.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-09-19

When asked to comment, an indignant Satan replied "I deny any previous association with Ms. O'Donnell. I have never met the woman."

delicatessen - 2010-09-19

Well, this certainly makes the forthcoming Christine O'Donnell porno spoofs more interesting.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-09-19

This is one of those instances where it's acceptable and preferable to turn to the person speaking and tell them how much shit they are full of.

Aelric - 2010-09-19

She dabbled in Warcraft.

The Mothership - 2010-09-20

Oh god, that was what I saw at first too!

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