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Comment count is 24
Umaro - 2010-10-01

The game and the hardness aside, WTF are those enemy things? I'm gonna have nightmares.

codehappy - 2010-10-01

The tinny, infinitely looping Atari Bach is the best part, which doesn't say much for it.

petep - 2010-10-01

it's called bros, you rescue your bro. you have 100 seconds per level

Rosencrantz - 2010-10-01

Cool story bros.

glasseye - 2010-10-01


petep - 2010-10-19

yr bros gone

pressed peanut sweepings - 2010-10-01

This makes the original look like a glorious fountain of animation.

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-01

-1 because I feel like I'm being too liberal with my stars lately.

poorwill - 2010-10-01

I can never bring myself to give less than five if I like a video at all and nobody has given it less than five yet. The way the stupid poetv rating system works you might as well be giving it one star.

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-01

Seeing that "obey authority" video the other day made me realize just how bad the situation has gotten.

poorwill - 2010-10-02

I can understand where you're coming from, but I feel like it's kind of a futile - maybe even destructive - effort until the state has been properly smashed.

I *am* sometimes tempted to spite-four-star a weak video if it looks like its going to drop off the front page with a perfect rating while amazing videos with a million five star votes languish forever in four-and-a-half-star hell because of some jerk who decided he suddenly wanted to give a more thoughtful, careful rating.

La Loco - 2010-10-02

Let's debate rating videos! Yay, let's have strong opinions about video games!

poorwill - 2010-10-02

Did you forget you're La Loco?

fourthguy - 2010-10-02

Wow, making La Loco look like the voice of reason? Shame on you guys.

dancingshadow - 2010-10-02

Five stars for La Loco's rating!

poorwill - 2010-10-02


memedumpster - 2010-10-01

As Mario lay dying from his fourth stroke, he tried to remember the good times, but they only seemed like a pale fevered madness to him now.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-10-02

The level-end sound makes it feel like the player has done something wrong.

BHWW - 2010-10-02

I knew somebody who had an Atari computer and he had this game among others.

That's...that's all I have to add, really.

FatFatuousNation - 2010-10-02

Cool story, bro.

Mike Tyson?! - 2010-10-02

This is better than the official port Nintendo licensed to Hudson for DOS-PCs.

TheOtherCapnS - 2010-10-02

If you go above the top of an underground map, smoke starts coming out of your disk drive.

Robin Kestrel - 2010-10-02

I still have a working 800XL with a printer, a touchscreen pad, and two external floppies.

Cyberblah - 2011-02-15

So do you think this is the best the Atari 800 could do, or did the programmer suck?

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