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Comment count is 16
lieutenant halfabeef - 2010-10-08

"Obama antichrist abortion machine?" Is it weird that Danny Elfman music from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure plays in my head when reading that phrase?

Xenocide - 2010-10-08

Ordinary citizens with a longing for freedom...


SteamPoweredKleenex - 2010-10-08

"Uprisings are a bad thing. So join our uprising, except instead of doing something or having a coherent message, we make videos of Anime Science and Bible Thump LSD trips."

IrishWhiskey - 2010-10-08

At first I thought this was a dupe, as I knew I'd seen it before. But it turns out johnraytheon is just recycling scenes from his old work. I feel cheated.

Well, at least I know his love for underage girls from Parasite Eve 2 and his hatred of Obama are both burning strong.

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-08

Five stars for "obama antichrist abortion machine" which is just the most perfect name for a metal band i've heard in a while.

memedumpster - 2010-10-08

China is too liberal for these people.

Syd Midnight - 2010-10-08

The United Fucking States of America are too liberal for these people

kingofthenothing - 2010-10-08

One of the videos on the YouTube sidebar was "African American Tits", so I can't help but do the insanity laugh.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-10-08

In the comments, he tells a detractor "You live in a Care Bear world." It's as if he's saying "my delusion is cooler than yours."

Senator_Unger - 2010-10-08

The Democratic Party slogan for November should be "Don't you want to torture the rednecks for at least two more years?"

Emcee - 2010-10-08

So where does the fat, giant, flamethrowing mutant that attacks the motel she's staying in fit into the Obama Nazi Agenda?

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-08

The choice of music sure is gay.

charmlessman - 2010-10-08

Somewhere, johnraytheon hit Save in Windows Movie Maker and sighed, "Yep, I think I made my point."

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-10-08

Marines are no better than rabid dogs.

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver - 2010-10-08

I don't feel very rabid.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-10-09

That's because you've really been in the air force this whole time.

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