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Comment count is 11
The God of Biscuits - 2010-10-05

A brief glimpse into the mind of Glenn Beck.

failure - 2010-10-05

this sounds like the kind of thing bands like electric hellfire club would do. except this person is mad about the christian thing

memedumpster - 2010-10-05

The guitar in this is a little too good for EHC.

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-05

Ok, I skipped ahead to the Japanese stripper at 6:00 and I swear that's a tranny. Man hands, big time.

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-05

Stars for that. I'll watch the whole thing when I have sound.

FABIO - 2010-10-05

ALL online videos of a Japanese "girl" with cutoff face star trannies.

Kieran27 - 2010-10-05

I watched the whole thing, and even for right wing crazy this had me confused. Why.... Just why do you have a stripper in a video about frothing hatred for Obama?

Then I realized, he wants it both ways. He wants to be super popular on youtube (the stripper gives him a great preload image) and he wants to seem persecuted ("Liberal conspiracy!") when his vid gets yanked for inappropriate content. Crazy with a touch of genius!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-10-05

The perfect mix of masturbation and jacking off.

charmlessman - 2010-10-05

This is the most accurate representation of the internet ever.
Crazy political ranting and titties.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-10-05

This is about the twentieth nutty conservative video I've seen that obsesses on Obama eating food, and visceral reactions to how disgusting it is. I really don't get it. The watermelon and fried chicken pics I'll ascribe to racism, but the rest seems like a bizarre hate-fetish.

Hailey2006 - 2010-10-05

He also seems to use a lot of Gangsta Rap along with Metal in his vidoes!

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