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Comment count is 22
standard8mm - 2010-10-09

Looks like someone from the milk lobby paid off some pigs.

The Mothership - 2010-10-09

Milk and cheese: dairy products gone bad!

Gerhard - 2010-10-09

gin makes a man mean

bopeton - 2010-10-09

They aren't very good at handling their firearms.

memedumpster - 2010-10-09

According to the comments, there is a bill making it illegal for people to grow their own food. Five stars for evil if that's true.

memedumpster - 2010-10-09


Caminante Nocturno - 2010-10-09

The world's worst strippers arrive at the wrong address, as usual.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-10-09

Needs a corruption tag.

oddeye - 2010-10-09

These cops could use some Magpul training... or any training at all really.

mouser - 2010-10-09

Just high school would be something.

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-09

Hey guyz, feels like those raids they make in the movies, tee-hee.

sosage - 2010-10-09

"I like to enter my apartment with my gun drawn. Scares the cat to death!"

cognitivedissonance - 2010-10-09

Unpasteurized milk killed Edsel Ford.

fedex - 2010-10-09

and Chrysler LeBaron was killed by a falling piano, but so what of it man?

cognitivedissonance - 2010-10-09

There is absolutely no health benefit to unpasteurized, and is YET ANOTHER fad that will bring back some forgotten disease nobody has had in a century, much like the anti-vaccers.

Chalkdust - 2010-10-09

soft cheese made from unpasteurized milk, on the other hand, is a magical concoction that I am woefully sorry I can't get in the states... someday I'll vacation in Europe again...

dead_cat - 2010-10-10

I can get behind using it for making cheese. It tastes incredible that way.

But there isn't any nutritional benefit to drinking unpasteurized milk, and doing so is involves a definite risk, especially to those with weak immune systems.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-10-10

I know a woman with a kid who has ADHD who swears that goat milk (unpasteurized) is the cure.

Urkel Forever - 2010-10-09

Honestly, I would shoot a hipster too if I could get my cop buddies to say his art project looked like a gun.

Robin Kestrel - 2010-10-09

Pudgy infantile egomaniacs holding their guns limply like they hold their dicks.

dead_cat - 2010-10-10

Right now, I'd have to say that the biggest advertisement for raw milk in the US is that it's outlawed. Because THE GUBM'NT doesn't want you to have it, because [insert paranoid idiot Earthvibes or anti-government rant here]. If it were legal, it'd much of it's allure, and would be the sort of thing that - for the most part - would be bought once or twice out of curiosity, then abandoned. Because that shit is EXPENSIVE. And it doesn't confer superpowers, or whatever the current unsupported claims are.

We certainly allow people to do far stupider things that effect far more people. Such as idiot parents being allowed to endanger the lives of their children and all the people they come into contact with by refusing to vax their kid against the very plagues that used to mow down humans like grass on a Sunday afternoon.

Legalization would also allow for safety regulation -- for example, while there are some farms in the US that are allowed to produce raw milk, they must meet the same safety standards as with pasteurized. Which means that if someplace is selling raw milk, and it doesn't come from one of those farms, then it's probably not been subjected to the same scrutiny (OMG, but maybe there's some magical health-benefits to contracting tuberculosis!).

dead_cat - 2010-10-10

If it were legal, it'd LOSE much of it's allure. Also I had no idea I had such strong feelings about this subject.

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