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Comment count is 27
Baldr - 2010-10-14

Spin the hugbox.

PhunkThisNoise - 2010-10-14

Hey guess what?

kennydra - 2010-10-14


chumbucket - 2010-10-15

You're all failures!!

takewithfood - 2010-10-14

I recognized Inu Yasha, an Akatsuki coat (from Naruto), and I guess the guy in the torn hoodie was a hunter from Left 4 Dead.

Udderdude - 2010-10-14

The hunter has a black hoodie. And bandages around it's arms. Fuck, it's not that hard.

And why is the witch fat with black claws and short hair? I don't remember seeing that in the game, either.

They should stick to animu cosplay.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2010-10-15

"They like things I like. THIS CANNOT STAND!"

RomancingTrain - 2010-10-15

The problem is that they're getting it wrong. When a normal person doesn't know these things it can be chalked up to indifference. When someone takes the time to make the costume and fails miserably it just shows an utter lack of competence.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-15

I really don't know which is worse: the nerd that makes a video game costume and fucks it up, or the nerd that can still identify and complain about it.

Udderdude - 2010-10-15

You might have a point if they were minor details I was bitching about, but they managed to fuck up everything, so yeah.

Lan Tianhe - 2010-10-14

Please note these are not locals, they are here for a convention.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-10-14

Too late.

Cena_mark - 2010-10-14

And I already had a low opinion of Portland.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-15

HAHAHA! Why can't you always be that funny CM?

StanleyPain - 2010-10-14

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MrBuddy - 2010-10-15

You know Stanley, I suspect those "People Who Liked This Video Also Liked" are just randomly generated. Kind of like the crosswalk button that doesn't do anything, but helps you pass the time.

StanleyPain - 2010-10-18

Doesn't mean it's not funny.

Toenails - 2010-10-14

Is it called the "glomp game" because it was what Viz Comics thought hugging sounding like?

God damn this game is sad. I'm going to go back to watching the Furry Ball because at least those guys had the decency to hide their shame.

BHWW - 2010-10-14

Glomping: just one more way for obnoxious nerd girls to be as creepy and awful as their male counterparts.

hornung - 2010-10-14

get out of my town.

Cena_mark - 2010-10-14

The most embarrassing part of this is that everybody looks sober. For the entire time I was at Dragon Con I was drunk.

Baldr - 2010-10-15

This place wouldn't be the same without you.

divinitycycle - 2010-10-14

what the fuck is this?

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-10-14

Glomp: the worst syllable

kingarthur - 2010-10-15

Can we make "crippling social immaturity" a linked tag?

The McK - 2010-10-15

Honestly amazed that with all the piles of human failure we have on here, that and "glomp"aren't sprawling domains unto themselves.

Thesis: Obnoxious nerd girls are even more unbearable than obnoxious nerd guys because there is at least a slight chance someone will tell the latter they're being cockfaucets.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-10-15

straight shiny

forehead gots to gleam

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