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Comment count is 26
kennydra - 2010-10-31

imagine one with low battery.

fedex - 2010-10-31



il fiore bel - 2010-10-31

lol wut

memedumpster - 2010-10-31

This toy was manufactured with a cynical hatred for its target audience, the manufacturer's friends. Five.

dementomstie - 2010-10-31

To me the best part of this is the guy in the chair who is laughing as hard as he has EVER LAUGHED IN HIS LIFE, a man who seems to be having a heart attack this doll is so funny.

Sean Robinson - 2010-11-01

That chortling jackal is pretty clearly the inventor of this thing. He thinks it is the path out of poverty for his family, who are supportive out of desperation.

He has put all of their money into this invention, certain that it will become a lucrative fad. Instead, his invention will destroy him, rolling through his life and carrying off everything: his house, his wife, his kids and his sanity.

Sean Robinson - 2010-11-01

The phrase "chortling jackal" is nerdy as hell and embarrassing to read.

kingarthur - 2010-11-01

If we move now, we can collect the sadness of his tears to fuel my death ray.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-11-03

He's going to die in that chair, laughing just like that.

Volbard - 2010-10-31


fluffy - 2010-10-31

I'd like to see this ad as directed by David Lynch

TheInternetisFullofGenitals - 2015-04-21

Are you telling me it wasn't?

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-31

How many people will buy one of these just to put their penis in?

Oktay - 2010-10-31

And how many of those will keep the sound chip connected?

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-31

Look at the comment directly below.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-10-31

Look at the comment directly above.

fedex - 2010-11-01

this is some kind of crazy loop!


Boomer The Dog - 2010-11-01

You know what I think it is, they see the name Boomer and think it says Boner, so automatically that makes them think of a penis.

Beyonce Knowles - 2010-11-01

Boomer you're honestly a great guy.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-11-01

Beyonce saying that, it's an honor.. Thanks, really. My appeal has been filed in the name change case, so we can see what happens next.

Oktay - 2010-11-01

Yo Boomer, I'm really happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but my question was one of the best questions of all time! Of all time!

Boomer The Dog - 2010-10-31

I have one of these, the original Roll Over Rover 2008, brown Dog found at a thrift store. It doesn't laugh at all, it barks along with a song. When the batteries get low it slows a little, and stops rolling, but he still barks for a while until it sounds scratchy.


garcet71283 - 2010-10-31

I can't help but feel this was an Almost Live sketch narrated by a parallel universe Pat Cashman.

Redford - 2010-10-31

On the poe main page this video is mislabeled as "This is what I see with my soul closed" which is I believe is a much better description of how I feel after looking at this.

Old People - 2013-03-11


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-29

I genuinely fear for that guy at :16.

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