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Desc:The other Escape from New York rip off that takes place in the Bronx and rips of Escape from NY.
Category:Classic Movies
Tags:twin towers, escape from the bronx, the bronx
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Comment count is 8
baleen - 2010-11-09

Cameo from the Towers Twins!

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-11-09

"The other Escape from New York rip off that takes place in the Bronx and rips of Escape from NY."

Well, the title does. Not really anything else.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-11-09

I'd like to believe that there's an outtake of this scene where the wind was blowing the wrong way.

boggy84 - 2010-11-09

This is actually from 1990: The Bronx Warriors too. I'm not sure whether I like this scene or the hot-shit drummer in front of the Brooklyn Bridge, pounding out a disco beat without a care in the world, in terms of weirdly arty and out of place scenes in this flick.

chumbucket - 2010-11-09

sunset is a number one

Chalkdust - 2010-11-09

are these the fabled voodoo glow skulls I've heard so much about?

Riskbreaker - 2010-11-09

Man, italian cinema really hit rock bottom in the 80s. Sure, there were still some goodies here and there, but everything became just rip offs of Escape from New York, Mad Max and The Warriors.

sosage - 2010-11-10

Leave the Bronx. You are ordered to leave the Bronx. Enjoy your new homes in sunny New Mexico. Leave the Bronx.

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