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Comment count is 27
asian hick - 2010-11-11

5 for the slim box debacle.

dementomstie - 2010-11-12

Five stars and Favorited because of the Slim Box Debacle.

La Loco - 2010-11-12

Can I has smaller box?

mantang0 - 2010-11-11


The Mothership - 2010-11-11

Maru sacrifices for science.

augias - 2010-11-11

Have box will maru

fulakarp - 2010-11-11


dododge - 2010-11-11

I love how angry he seems during the entire process.

Squeamish - 2010-11-11

These boxes are clearly not up to Maru's excruciating standards.

duck&cover - 2010-11-11

It's possible that Maru may collapse into a singularity.

takewithfood - 2010-11-11

That box doesn't looks so small. I'm sure he can - wait, here he comes. Oh.

Meerkat - 2010-11-11

Oh man I know just what that's like

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-11-12

This is some kind of science.

glasseye - 2010-11-12


jyrque - 2010-11-12

Fight, Maru, fight!

fluffy - 2010-11-12

Needs SCIENCE! tag.

The Mothership - 2010-11-12


fluffy - 2010-11-14

Thank you, Albuquerque Halsey

poorwill - 2010-11-12

I have never seen Maru so angry.

catpenis27 - 2010-11-12

When my younger sister was about 3 years old, she would try to get inside my toy cars. Like 2 inch long Hotwheels cars. She simply didn't have the capacity for understanding spacial relations at all. She would cry and freak out that she couldn't fit inside the tiny car. This reminds me of that.

Chalkdust - 2010-11-12

You have a box? I'll get in that box.

Innocent Bystander - 2010-11-12

5 stars.

Don't really know why.

Oscar Wildcat - 2010-11-12

He's testing the boxes for poop-worthiness. Most fail, apparently.

Nikon - 2010-11-12

The cute tail thumps of rage.

Baldr - 2010-11-12

The things we loved have become diminished in ways we cannot understand.

Sputum - 2010-11-12

The more more small box is the best. You can clearly see his train of thought:
"This box is too small to be a body box, therefor it is clearly a head box."

Maru is the best celebrity.

A Jumping Spider! - 2010-11-12

I knew a fat cat who would only lay in boxes that were slightly too small for him. He seemed to enjoy the way his flab would push out over the lip of the box. A fluffy souffl�.

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