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Comment count is 11
Udderdude - 2010-11-17

I lost it at the preview image.

Tobster - 2010-11-17

Wow, he's right I do want them all to shut up.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-11-17

What bothers me most is how clumsy and obvious the lies are. Net Neutrality is censorship of conservative pundits? Seriously, why not just say that the liberals sold the moon to North Korea? They know their audience will blindly accept whatever fits into their preconceived narrative and no one in the media will fact-check.

That said I laughed repeatedly at his explanation of how liberals censor by calling Ann Coulter a bigot, labeling people who agree with Joe McCarthy as "McCarthyites" and that in general mocking or disagreeing with conservatives is the same as fascism and censoring speech.

Riskbreaker - 2010-11-17


Seriously, that part was probably the most revolting thing in the entire video. Might as well say that the KKK are a misunderstood bunch.

phalsebob - 2010-11-17

If you don't agree with me you are trampling my rights, fascist!

bias - 2010-11-17

christ, his voice sounds like one of those xtra normal videos that insane people make so their straw men can talk to each other.

kingarthur - 2010-11-17

Couldn't make it past 3:01.

notascientist - 2010-11-17

A heart attack in video form! I can't watch these things, because I am getting old, and I have to worry about my blood pressure.

chumbucket - 2010-11-17

our poor flaccid cuture

memedumpster - 2010-11-17

Obama is soft on tyrants, even though he's Bushing it up all over the earth like Dick Cheney with a nuke up his ass. This video makes me realize what a shitty person I am. I will never reach out to these people, will never seek to work with them for a better world, and will never lift a finger to help those who do. I failed Jon Stewart intentionally and without remorse. Thanks, GOP, I am shitty now too.

I almost one starred this because it wasn't Cliff.

Oscar Wildcat - 2010-11-17

The oligarchy must be getting nervous; seems like a lot more of this kind of propaganda is being produced and floated on the media. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Mr. Klavan.

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