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Comment count is 9
Tom Collins - 2010-11-24

I quite enjoyed this until I realised it's a shitty in joke.

baleen - 2010-11-24

what in joke?
whatever fuck you

Tom Collins - 2010-11-24

The in joke made by the table of effete film students beating each other off and thinking nobody's noticed.

Baleen, the only way this could ever be funny is by repeating it in different contexts until it's a clich�.

baleen - 2010-11-24

no it's a weird thing that's funny

phalsebob - 2010-11-24

You've failed me for the last time, hopper!

baleen - 2010-11-24

hopper? what?
i don't use the hopper

yogarfield - 2010-11-24

shit, i don't even log in.

Mancakes - 2010-11-24

I don't get it.

Old_Zircon - 2010-11-24

Tom Collins summed it up.

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