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Comment count is 7
divinitycycle - 2010-12-14


freedoom - 2010-12-14

Isn't this a scene from Bad Lieutenant?

Mother_Puncher - 2010-12-14

I remember Cage's son being into bands like Dimmu Borgir and shit and had like glamour shots taken of himself in corpse paint or something similar. Just some really hammed up shit.
This knowledge coupled with this video makes me wonder what runs in the Cage family that seems to make them stop mentally aging at 8 years old?

asian hick - 2010-12-14

His son was named Kal-El by Cage. He never had a chance.

memedumpster - 2010-12-14

Celebrities are miserable?


Riskbreaker - 2010-12-14

I was going to ask for context but, fuck it, the context is: nic cage being nic cage.

catpenis27 - 2010-12-14

My mom saw this crap on TMZ and wanted to know if I knew any Romanian. She and I were very confused throughout the whole video. I told her to get the fuck off TMZ and start hitting POE. She's coming around, but yeah.

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