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Comment count is 22
phalsebob - 2010-12-19

� 2008 BridgeKev Productions

Chalkdust - 2010-12-19

HAHAHA I just downloaded this video using 3rd party software now I'm gonna upload it to my cute video youtube profile. Your pretend � doesn't mean anything to me. It's not even real. I'm going to get real popular with your awesome video. Too bad your ��� doesn't mean a thing in Canada.

horsesflu 48 minutes ago

phalsebob - 2010-12-19

What a monster.

poorwill - 2010-12-19

It is spelled laser. It is an acronym. Do not awaken the wrath of my beard >:(

Bort - 2010-12-19

Exactly. Lasers don't make noise; the fox isn't making laser noises. If you want a zap gun that makes noise, what you're thinking of is a lazer.

Tom Collins - 2010-12-19

It's probably more like when babies make "ma" noises to themselves before they can form real words. Any minute now that fox isn't going to break out into erudite discourse about ancient wars.

Tom Collins - 2010-12-19

I meant to type "is".

I blame...Space Foxes.

Spoonybard - 2010-12-20


laurentauren - 2010-12-20

Its fixed, please don't hurt me with your beard wrath!

Callamon - 2010-12-19

Foxes are annoying and no reason to block imbedding.

Charles - 2010-12-19

This fox is important. It's trying to tell you to learn how to spell.

Urist - 2010-12-19

Those are clearly Space Odyssey EVA Pod noises.

voodoo_pork - 2010-12-19


Raggamuffin - 2010-12-19



RomancingTrain - 2010-12-19

The youtube uploader is named SpiritWhiteFox02. So what's the over under on how often he fucks that thing?

Fur is Murder - 2010-12-19


Everyone knows the correct term in this case is 'yiff.'

fluffy - 2010-12-19

No, clearly these are the noises that the Houndeye from Half-Life makes.

zerobackup - 2010-12-19


badideasinaction - 2010-12-19

*insert some standard DO A BARREL ROLL FOX! joke here*

Hooker - 2010-12-20

A fox makes noise.

spikestoyiu - 2010-12-20

A very miserable looking fox.

White Trash Party - 2010-12-20

"Kevie sings a pretty song".

I'm going to have to disagree

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