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Comment count is 12
memedumpster - 2010-12-22

No one spoil this.

simon666 - 2010-12-22

yeah, no one "spoil" this.

drcrypt - 2010-12-22

No one spoil that Alf says nigger or hard-on. It's so much better when you sit through six minutes not knowing what's coming.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-12-22

Lol, Max has problems with straws.

Sometimes I like to do an impression of Willy. Nobody gets what I'm doing.

swickape - 2010-12-22

In the clip starting at 4:39 he was imitating the LA Law episode about the guy with Tourette's Syndrome, which was recent at the time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H0OMSaOna0

HankFinch - 2010-12-22

"c'mon I got a plane to catch tonight"

"Ha... ha. ha. Let's sacrifice your career for a weekend in Iowa. Let's go."

simon666 - 2010-12-22

OK, I want this TV show resurrected with the actor/puppeteer who does Triumph the Insult Comic Dog doing Alf. That is a show I'd watch.

In fact, consider that copyrighted (C) Dec 22, 2010.

Meerkat - 2010-12-22

I like the way he stays in character when he fluffs his lines.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2010-12-23

Word is that the actors hated working on the show and the writers were actually on crack.

Explains a lot.

drcrypt - 2010-12-23

Uh, it's not just the writer who was on crack. Max Wright not only smoked crack, but he bought home homeless people to fuck while doing so.

I know, I know... you don't believe me, and I understand why: when my friend told me this, it had urban legend written all over it.

BUT! There's pretty convincing pictures!

http://img146.imageshack.us/i/maxwrightforpresident8ew4gf.jpg/ sr=1

cognitivedissonance - 2010-12-23

The ALF puppeteer is, so the legends go, wildly unstable. Tina Fey states that he was the least cooperative act she's ever worked with in her capacity as producer of things. He apparently suffers from extreme social anxiety disorder and demanded alternative exits from filming, refused to be seen by audiences and had multiple altercations with the actors.

The dude who played Willy supposedly stomped off on the last day of filming, refused to ever return, and that was the end of the series. The girl who played the daughter developed an eating disorder and the kid who played the son gave up acting altogether.

MrBuddy - 2010-12-24

I'll bet they wish they were on crack. No matter how you look at it they were on Cracked (http://www.cracked.com that is). Read the article at this link: http://www.cracked.com/article/135_6-beloved-tv-shows-that-traumat ized-cast-members-life/

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