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Comment count is 13
Comeuppance - 2010-12-30

My favorite part was when

The Townleybomb - 2010-12-31

Nick. Nick. Nick.

Nick. Nick.

Nick. Nick.

astropod five - 2011-01-03


simon666 - 2010-12-31

-1 Because Casper doing nitrous in Kids was more visceral.

La Loco - 2010-12-31

Five stars for brain damage. Happy New Year!!!

baleen - 2010-12-31

You can't get brain damage from nitrous oxide.
Unless there's no oxygen mixed in with it. That's why dentists have two tanks and they mix oxygen with it and that's why people put it in balloons. If you breathe in gases that don't have oxygen, you get brain asphyxiation and that does cause brain damage, but that's extremely rare when doing nitrous, because most people are smart enough not to put a gas mask on their face leading all the way up to a tank of nitrous.

Injuries from nitrous are usually people falling on things and breaking bones. Nitrous is a fun and safe drug if you stay in your seat and laugh.

baleen - 2010-12-31

You can't get brain damage from nitrous oxide.
Unless there's no oxygen mixed in with it. That's why dentists have two tanks and they mix oxygen with it and that's why people put it in balloons. If you breathe in gases that don't have oxygen, you get brain asphyxiation and that does cause brain damage, but that's extremely rare when doing nitrous, because most people are smart enough not to put a gas mask on their face leading all the way up to a tank of nitrous.

Injuries from nitrous are usually people falling on things and breaking bones. Nitrous is a fun and safe drug if you stay in your seat and laugh.

memedumpster - 2010-12-31

I vote the above poepost of 2010.

Hooker - 2010-12-31

Can you get brain damage from nitrous oxide?

simon666 - 2010-12-31

Prolonged use and exposure will likely cause problems.

La Loco - 2011-01-01

These people aren't dentists and they are intentionally depriving oxygen to their brains. I can't imagine that's completely harmless. A drug that makes you fell high simply by depriving oxygen to your brain is stupid. Btw, haven't done it since I was a teenager.

baleen - 2010-12-31


Chalkdust - 2010-12-31

I blame nitrous

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