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Comment count is 15
simon666 - 2011-01-04

"can i have some water?"

"here's your water."

*parrot doesn't drink*

"oh you just want to interrupt."

Or maybe the parrot doesn't know what he's saying lady.

Jeriko-1 - 2011-01-04

"I want to go back."

I'm not sure I am ready for the implications of all of this...

Innocent Bystander - 2011-01-04

It's trying to say "no more hurt".

American Standard - 2011-01-04

"Wanna go back. Wanna go back. Wanna go back."

The parrot is so not into it. I love that.

fulakarp - 2011-01-04

What has happened to Alex's feathers??

mouser - 2011-01-04

Parrots tend to pull their own feathers when they are under stress and not happy.

kingofthenothing - 2011-01-04

In a related video, Alex is dead, and that chick is WAY old now.

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-01-04

That old Clever Hans fraud just never gets old, does it?

Eroticus E - 2011-01-04

Yeah, because there's no difference between the cognitive abilities of an African Grey parrot and a horse. Even if the whole Alex thing were a "fraud" there's still plenty of evidence that some types of birds have intelligence in the same range as great apes.

mouser - 2011-01-04

Such birds as unladen African swallow.

Eroticus E - 2011-01-04

Go sit in the corner.

Xiphias - 2011-01-04

People will still be arguing about what various animals *actually* understand 100 years from now

pastorofmuppets - 2011-01-04

Also a Clever Hans fraud: humans.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-01-04

I still think this is really cool despite all the skepticism. I wish my bird could do shit like this but she just likes to be pet and dig in the trash to find aluminium cans to chew up.

autoplonk - 2011-01-04


'Alex's last words to Pepperberg were: "You be good. I love you." '

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