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Comment count is 10
Koda Maja - 2011-01-05

A bloo bloo bloo

chumbucket - 2011-01-05

She's mostly right, Florida does suck, but what she doesn't understand is that she's basically part of that problem.

Pillager - 2011-01-05

Someone needs to put a breathalyzer on her webcam.

BillLumbergh - 2011-01-05

she can't raise her son in a place where the shops don't sell smirnoff ice at 2 am

Anaxagoras - 2011-01-05

Uh huh. The inability to buy alchohol between 2 AM and 7 AM is the biggest problem that Florida faces. Truly a travesty.

Hailey2006 - 2011-01-05

Is it sad, angry, stupid woman week?

Bored - 2011-01-05

Well she's right. Florida does fucking suck and I say this as a native that fled.

But she's what is wrong with America and she fucking sucks.

OhYouMeanNancy - 2011-01-05

And whitey on the moon.

StanleyPain - 2011-01-05

PROTIP: There's, like, a bunch of states with dumbshit liquor laws...this is the least of Florida's problems.

hammsangwich - 2011-01-05

No shit, I live in KS and we just got liquor sales on Sunday passed a few years ago. I'm close to Missouri so I can buy Smirnoff whenever I damn well please though.

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