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Comment count is 18
fulakarp - 2011-01-09


Cun' Hufton - 2011-01-09

Oh no!!

jyrque - 2011-01-09

I guess they're jumping the shark.

kingarthur - 2011-01-09

Yeah, okay. I'm gonna go with this.

Aoi - 2011-01-09

Well, if anyone's qualified to know that, it's him.

CJH - 2011-01-09

The other guy isn't even pretending like that wasn't the dumbest shit he's ever heard.

Hooker - 2011-01-09

It's true, though! The Mega Shark really did swallow a nuclear submarine whole!

Innocent Bystander - 2011-01-09

Really? Well I didn't realize that had happened.

revdrew - 2011-01-09

From the creators of "Axe Cop."

kennydra - 2011-01-09


Cun' Hufton - 2011-01-09

Wish I'd saved my stars

CharlesSmith - 2011-01-09


joelkazoo - 2011-01-09

I did.

duck&cover - 2011-01-09

I am nuclear-bomb mega-shark now!

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-01-09


TimidAres - 2011-01-09

I watched this on mute.

All I saw was a giant plume of water.

This must be science fiction.

Sorry for my Haiku-fail.

Billy the Poet - 2011-01-09

Curiously, I remember the episode where Urkel did exactly the same thing.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-01-09

Sonic the hedgehog would've handled this situation differently.

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