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Desc:I find this to be a refreshing change from Christian stupidity.
Category:Religious, Science & Technology
Tags:karma, Hindu, cloning, weird social dynamics, videos that aren worth watching the whole way thr
Submitted:Johnny Madhouse
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Comment count is 8
rawelkij - 2011-01-12

So because no humans have been successfully cloned, there are no souls with the karma to enter a human body.

So people should not be having children successfully, either, right?

pastorofmuppets - 2011-01-12

"no humans have been successfully cloned"


fluffy - 2011-01-12

Sounds like they're also trying to redefine cloning based on "synthetically created cells." Because apparently clones aren't all made from living cells, they're made in a computer or something.

Toenails - 2011-01-12

But that data is useless unless it's copied and encoded into a USB thumbstick. But not before Aliens jump to conclusions when listening to a CD of a musician playing.

P.S. The "videos that arent worth watching the whole way thr" tag was either a clever visual gag, or was a happy accident.

Johnny Madhouse - 2011-01-12

I did that on purpose!

American Standard - 2011-01-12



pastorofmuppets - 2011-01-13

It's fun to watch superstitions writhe.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-01-13

Crap not a reply. but, maybe not surprisingly, some cultures treat twins differently. Often they are believed to be magical but sometimes they are feared and destroyed.

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