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Comment count is 10
The Townleybomb - 2011-01-13

I really don't want to see this movie now, because I don't want to know ANY context at all for this.

le tenia - 2011-01-13

But if you don't see it, you'll miss the part about stealing Bob Hope's poop.

duck&cover - 2011-01-13

Pigeon, hole'd

split tail - 2011-01-13

snuff film

BHWW - 2011-01-13

It's a goofy scene, but the movie itself is kind of a drag. It's like an art project-version of one of those mid-90s crime films made by Tarantino wannabes, stuffed to the gills with "offbeat" but flimsily constructed characters, pop culture references and weak attempts at black humor and cooly detached violence. But it does so in the most boring fashion possible.

Kandalor - 2011-01-13

It was written to be a demonstration of the writer's flexibility and breadth of reference with no intention of ever being made, so that's largely intentional.

I like the Salton Sea.

Vestigial Johnson - 2011-01-14

Accurate review

The Mothership - 2011-01-13

In 10 years is this going to be a cult classic ala Buckaroo Banzai? Must I see it now to be considered cool then?

Riskbreaker - 2011-01-13

Nah, as others already said, this is not a memorable film at all. It has some good parts, this one being probably the peak of the film.

Dr Dim - 2011-01-14

This, the "history of meth" and maybe one or two other scenes are great, the rest is mostly Val Kilmer mooching around. Overall it's OK.

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