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Comment count is 13
freedoom - 2011-01-15

Now when is someone going to make a playable tetris level in minecraft?

Supahfly - 2011-01-15

I assume someone is already working on it.

fluffy - 2011-01-15

You mean it hasn't been done yet? LittleBigPlanet had playable Tetris on day one of the beta!

rawelkij - 2011-01-15

I don't understand why people compare these two games. One is a survival horror game that happens to have a feature that makes the kind of stuff in this video possible, if cumbersome. The other is designed with this sort of stuff in mind.

memedumpster - 2011-01-15

Little Big Planet is survival horror?

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-01-15

I love boring

three stars

VoilaIntruder - 2011-01-15

The timeless songs you remember performed by musicians that have to run from instrument to instrument in some sort of awful marathon in support of killing the arts.

Meerkat - 2011-01-15

Man it's a good thing he didn't spend that time searching for a cure for cancer.

Mister Yuck - 2011-01-15

Yeah. I'm sure he would have been the one to finally crack it.

Comeuppance - 2011-01-15


thebaronsdoctor - 2011-01-15

Wait...This was made in survival mode?

Do you guys realize how long it must have taken to carve out that giant fucking hole this thing took place in?

Robin Kestrel - 2011-01-16

Quite a feat in a short time.

Udderdude - 2011-01-16

Minecraft does not need to do this, stop doing that >:O

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