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Comment count is 9
reipumancer - 2011-02-02

this whole series is fantastic
he set them to private for awhile
it was upsetting

Smellvin - 2011-02-02

I was subscribed to this guy's channel because he has a number of good videos. Then I had to unsubscribe when he went through a phase where he'd post some random 50's song once a day for three weeks.

KillerGazebo - 2011-02-03

That was part of the joke.

The Townleybomb - 2011-02-02

It's amazing how much influence Crispin Glover has had on a certain subset of the internet.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-02-03

This guy is a fucking genius. We need more of him around.

chumbucket - 2011-02-03

internet, explained

Spit Spingola - 2011-02-03

the video is over yet I keep hearing "hey man, jump over the sign!" followed by that feedback noise in my brain.

Craptabulous - 2011-02-03

...Does he live like that? That weird noise day and night? No wonder his words make no sense.

Also, the part where he's looking at the camera and saying "NO! STOP!" I wanted to say "dude, you can turn the camera off."

Eventually I realized he was making a statement against the direction the internet was going and it made me think about it alittle more. Maybe he's right? I mean, youtube is becoming "Watch people suck"

We've come so far to fall back 30 some odd years to a time when someone getting hit in the balls was hilarious.

mashedtater - 2012-01-22

this a lovely lullaby for the internet

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