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Comment count is 14
RocketBlender - 2011-02-03

It sure is, little buddy.

Xiphias - 2011-02-03

yeah, there's ta-

joelkazoo - 2011-02-03

I'm sorry, what is it?

Mother_Puncher - 2011-02-03

But WHY is it tape?

Robin Kestrel - 2011-02-03

Glad he cleared that up.

Sputum - 2011-02-03

short and sweet tag please. On lazy sundays I like to peruse the shorts and sweets.

hammsangwich - 2011-02-04

Homer, it's Tuesday!

kingofthenothing - 2011-02-03

what's tape?

glasseye - 2011-02-04

The sad thing is that I recognize which video this is from.

Spoonybard - 2011-02-04

So is the kid as clueless as he appears?

akinskirage - 2011-02-04


Unveiling the katana. It's really something.

Species - 2011-02-04

His face.


Also, aspergers club.

Species - 2011-02-04

I still can't believe how disgusted this kid is with the camera woman.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-02-05

Thank god. I was wondering.

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