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Comment count is 21
abeli$con - 2011-02-09

im getting in on the ground floor before this goes viral!!!!

Vicious - 2011-02-09

I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that this took so long to end up here or that it ended up here at all.

chumbucket - 2011-02-09

O. M. G!!!!!

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-02-09

God I hate Slenderman. It's no surprise that the scariest thing the internet could think up is a skinny guy in decent clothes.

jangbones - 2011-02-09

No surprise that when internet-regulars are trying to come up with something alien and terrifying, the result is a man who is thin.

Syd Midnight - 2011-02-10

Goons are absolutely the worst thing on earth

StanleyPain - 2011-02-09

Clever, but holy fuck does it go on for way, way too long..

GusPlease - 2011-02-09

Unwatchable piece of shit. Ruins everything that could potentially be good about ARGs.

Vicious - 2011-02-10

Somebody did this:


Which is a minute and a half and much more impressive.

Wander - 2011-02-10

That is part of this series so I'm not really sure what you're saying?

Vicious - 2011-02-10

No, that's from some poster called "marbelhornets."

Pillager - 2011-02-10

Generation Y's Manos: The Hands of Fate.

fulakarp - 2011-02-10

Has several flaws and marks of amateurism, to be sure. But for what it is, it's very effective. Easily 20x more interesting than LOST.

kingarthur - 2011-02-10

Well, I watched Vicious' link and I'm sleeping with the lights on.

Tom Collins - 2011-02-10

Just take LSD and convince yourself the arms are a bad trip.

Vicious - 2011-02-10

Tom, that's not going to solve anything!

sosage - 2011-02-10

Why did you throw away the map?!?!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-02-10

Can't sleep. Slenderman will eat me.

mouser - 2011-02-10

So, anyone made it beyond #10?

Tom Collins - 2011-02-10

Nopes. I never even knew what Slender Man was until I saw this; they should have just made a found footage movie and left it at that -- I'm not meandering through 30+ little videos.

5 because some bits were pretty good.

Redlof - 2011-02-15

Great idea but they don't go anywhere interesting with it. "This looks boring but it turns out there was a guy in the background all along!" for 30 videos.

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