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Comment count is 17
baleen - 2011-02-27


Scynne - 2011-02-27

"Teach them something useful, like human nature."


charmlessman - 2011-02-27

"... AKA also known as..."

SolRo - 2011-02-27

like, such as

James Woods - 2011-02-28

in the iraq

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-02-27

Home studio = corner of my bedroom

sliggy - 2011-02-27

Um, it's not the anti-feminists who are called "feminazis". And I just... can't deal with the rest of this.

What is with this music.

Macho Nacho - 2011-02-27

"Her child are raised in a computer programming plant AKA also known as a school."

"This [Abortion] is the biggest debate among feminists, lesbians, Christians, and people like myself who are none of the above who just generally care. I am bisexual."


kingarthur - 2011-02-27

You remember those old sketches from In Living Color where Damon Wayans would be the elder, black-pride prison philosopher?

"Allow me to defecate my point."

Yeah, that.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-02-27

If I watch more than half of this, I'll be too pissed off to sleep.

thebaronsdoctor - 2011-02-27

Okay, does this "feminism persecutes stay at home moms" bullshit ever actually happen in the real world? Because I have only ever seen or heard of it happening in the minds of idiots

An this is the worst parody of Paglia I've ever seen!

simon666 - 2011-02-27

I acknowledge your Paglia reference.

deadpan - 2011-02-27

Has anyone else pointed out that a grown woman put on her old prom dress and a gallon of makeup to critique feminism?

I really can't tell what parody is anymore.

Konversekid - 2011-02-27

Unless you are masochistic don't read the youtube comments.

kwash - 2011-02-28

Well it's a good thing that-

ah christ these fucking people

dead_cat - 2011-02-28

If that's an antifeminist then why the hell should I fear one?

Desidiosus - 2011-02-28

Hi guys, I just came in because of the pre-load image. I'll be going now.

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