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Comment count is 15
papercut_junky - 2011-03-03

SFW? really? If I were roaming the cubicles of my employees I'd be less disturbed to find someone jacking it to actual porn than I would be finding someone watching this with even the most academic curiosity.

OhYouMeanNancy - 2011-03-03

I, however, would be delighted. Viva variety!

5:50- OMG, it's still going! Aren't you fappers done yet ?!?! I am!

cognitivedissonance - 2011-03-03

I got a week in the POE-Hole for less.

Tom Collins - 2011-03-03

Netsend: switch that the fuck off and get to my office -- PJ

Mother_Puncher - 2011-03-03

This has a very significant message. Deep.

Sputum - 2011-03-03

Germany is really the only tag you need for this one.

kingarthur - 2011-03-03

It's an insect slowly killing and feeding off a cherry tomato. I think.

eatenmyeyes - 2011-03-03

This is kind of upsetting.

Blaise - 2011-03-04

Live action Little Nemo!

standard8mm - 2011-03-04

Reminds me of Kabal from Street Fighter Kombat.

Oktay - 2011-03-04

Come on a long with the Black Rider
We'll have a gay old time

La Loco - 2011-03-04

Taint no sin, to take of your skin, and dance around in your bones.

revdrew - 2011-03-04

This is just a normal exercise show over there.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-04

Is this that leaked Voldo training video I've heard so much about?

TeenerTot - 2011-03-04

I think it's Voldo on a regular Thursday afternoon.

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