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Comment count is 23
baleen - 2011-03-13

Wow, less than 1% of Federal spending goes to spreading influence and improving relations which the Pentagon says is key to fighting terrorists.

Glad to see the GOP has our interests at heart.

SolRo - 2011-03-13

The GOP knows that terrorists are vital for their survival

memedumpster - 2011-03-13

SolRo nailed it so hard I felt it in my spine.

longwinded - 2011-03-13


dystopianfuturetoday - 2011-03-13

National debt: 14.2 trillion dollars
(minus) Iraq 'war': 3 trillion dollars
11.2 trillion dollars

baleen - 2011-03-13

The majority of that debt is due to lack of tax revenue and rising healthcare costs, not the stimulus, not even the wars.

It's very important, that as Americans, we preserve the 35% profit margin of large insurance conglomerates.

IrishWhiskey - 2011-03-13

Too stupid to be real. Poe's Law applies.

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-03-13

Let's start with the big country in red to the north of the US, I think it's called Alaska? Those fuckers keep banging on about how much they hate the US government and welfare.

Kid Fenris - 2011-03-13

Mom! Mom! Those countries are MAKING FUN OF US!

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-03-13

The best way to combat this hatred is to stop it at the source and stop voting republican.

Senator_Unger - 2011-03-13

One of my co-workers, who thinks women that "ask for it" shouldn't complain if they're raped, asked me after the earthquake "Why do we give money to Haiti if they never give us money when we have disasters?" Which begs the question, is it the stupidity of Republican representatives that cause their constituents to be ignorant or is it the idiocy of Republican voters that cause their representatives to be absolute assholes?

baleen - 2011-03-14


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-03-13

Senator Gomer is right. Did you know thems Chinese gots a whole different LANGUAGE over there, them people don't even speak ENGLISH! Give me apple pie and macaroni salad and the pledge of allegiance and give all that money to a boy scout troop and world peace is right around the corner, ya'll! YEEHAW!!!!

Riskbreaker - 2011-03-14

Ted "Poe", that can't be a coincidence.

urbanelf - 2011-03-14

How much money have we dumped in Iraq, Mr. Republican?

bopeton - 2011-03-14

You know, I'm pretty fiscally conservative. I believe in low taxes, limited welfare programs, strong incentives to do good business...

... but this guy is just plain ignorant.

Why do dumbasses like this even get elected? Oh yeah lol, because America is full of dumbasses who vote.

FABIO - 2011-03-14


baleen - 2011-03-14

Ron Paul isn't "socially liberal."

Repomancer - 2011-03-14

The U.S. gives away it is money? I don't get it.

The God of Biscuits - 2011-03-14


mashedtater - 2011-03-14

so ...america receives american aide? *shameful*

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-14

Too many misconceptions to name. I'm glad this guy won a popularity contest in his district so he could be brilliant like this in Washington.

Dib - 2011-03-15

"I personally think it's good for the United States foreign policy that we support Israel"

Famous last words from a hypocrite. And that's why I don't even need to hear anything past 2:43.

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