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Comment count is 14
jyrque - 2011-03-16

What movie is this?

StanleyPain - 2011-03-16

Repo Man

Merzbau - 2011-03-16

Rent it.

Rent it.

Rent it rent it rent it rent it rentit rentit rentit rentit rentit rentit RENTIT RENTIT RENTIT RENTIT NOOOWWWWWW

crojo - 2011-03-16

Rent it so fast. This is the best movie.

GeneralJameson - 2011-03-16

Rent it. Then seek out Repo Chick.

Mister Yuck - 2011-03-16

It's on Netflix Watch Now, or it was. If it's not just come over to my house. I've got some beers.

StanleyPain - 2011-03-16

Seek out Repo Chick if only to see just how far Alex Cox has truly fallen.

Also: for added bonus humor, read any recent interview with Cox in which he still keeps making the bizarre claim that the sci-fi movie failure Repo Men was an attempt by Universal to trick people into assuming it was a Repo Man sequel somehow endorsed by Cox, despite the movie having nothing whatsoever to do with Repo Man.

La Loco - 2011-03-17

I really want the soundtrack to this and Thrashin'.

GeneralJameson - 2011-03-17

well seek out Repo Chick to see all of the green screen work... 2nd only to the roof shots in The Room.

Tom Collins - 2011-03-16

Lorna Dooooones!

erection reset by queer - 2011-03-16

The life of a repo man is always intense.

chumbucket - 2011-03-17

feeling 7 up

1394 - 2011-03-23


GravidWithHate - 2012-01-26


Not all that far off from Sam Cohen.

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