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Comment count is 9
Bort - 2011-03-23

I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out: Finn and Jake are de-Kirby-ized versions of Kamandi and Dr. Canus.

GravidWithHate - 2011-03-23

Holy shit...

Even down to the long blond hair, and living in a post-apocalyptic world full of mutants.

Bort - 2011-03-29

The arithmetic is thought-provoking:

"Kamandi" - Kirby = "Adventure Time"

That implies that Kirby can be used to increment all sorts of entertainment. What is "The Odd Couple" + Kirby? How about "Paula Deen" + Kirby? (I suppose I know the answer to that one already: "Paula Deen" + Kirby = Granny Goodness.)

But the other consequence of the math is: if we can somehow subtract "Adventure Time" from "Kamandi", it will bring Kirby back to life.

Smellvin - 2011-03-23

This was one of my favorite episodes. The whole premise is that they kill a flower they were supposed to be taking care of for their friend, so their FIRST thought is to go all Orpheus and retrieve the flower's soul from Hades.

Squeamish - 2011-03-23

Jake's right. Skeleton Guy WAS pretty awesome.

fedex - 2011-03-23

what, y'want me to lie?

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-23

This show blows my mind. I wish I could do my childhood over again so I could spend my formative years with it.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-03-23

you'd be too young to appreciate it properly then!

Tom Collins - 2011-03-23

I'm pretty sure its target audience gets it fine. Just sayin'.

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