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Comment count is 7
fatatty - 2011-03-25

I didn't realize the Dutch were so clumsy and incompetent.

MrBuddy - 2011-03-25

Yeah, but they can grow daisies with the butts.

Anaxagoras - 2011-03-25

It's why they lost WWII. Duh.

Also, bonus stars for the Scheming Chinaman stereotype.

Chalkdust - 2011-03-25

oh god, I saw this when I was a kid and I don't remember where... 5 stars for a flood of nostalgia and slack-jawed amazement at the stereotyping I was oblivious to at the time

codehappy - 2011-03-25

It's one of the Paramount Noveltoons that they sold off to a TV distributor in the 50s... said distributor didn't renew the copyrights when they expired, so they're almost all public domain today -- hence their ubiquitousness on cheapo video compilations.

Rosebeekee - 2011-03-25

I swear I saw this on T.V. about 3 or 4 years ago during the middle of the day on KVOS.

dead_cat - 2011-03-26

I guess they can walk home to their assorted countries. Like Santa's gonna get up and fly them all back, after they revealed that their gift for him was born from simple greed and all.

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