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Comment count is 8
Toenails - 2011-04-01

HAHAHAH. This is the third thing I feel for today. Nice.

Also, as a proud Topekan, I'm fucking pissed they went with Kansas City for the high speed fiber optic cable yesterday.

Baldr - 2011-04-01

Who would have ever expected that they would do silly things on the first of April?

numb - 2011-04-01

Aren't you dead?

Baldr - 2011-04-02

Of course not. There's nothing you can throw at me that would cause me any harm.

Cyberblah - 2011-04-01

I'm as sick of April Fool's Day as anyone, but the description reminded me of my grandmother, who went to her grave not understanding how a computer could check your spelling. So five stars of melancholy.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-04-01

Back in the 80's, my grandmother asked of my Atari 800XL, "Can you ask it questions?"

This made me think of what she'd make of Google were she still around.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-04-02

This isn't much of a joke.

CharlesSmith - 2011-04-03

It's not a "joke". Have you never heard of April Fools day? The idea is to trick people not produce sketches.

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