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Comment count is 5
kanyakumari - 2011-04-04

That was fun.

Xenocide - 2011-04-04

Holy crap, I thought that looked familiar. I've been to the place where this was filmed. It's one of those "let's build a replica of a traditional village" attractions, and it's about a 30 minute drive outside of Tallin.

Except when I went there it was the dead of winter, half the buildings were locked up, and the only other humans encountered were the ticket lady, a man in a horse-drawn carriage who took me back to the entrance when I got lost, and a woman who was dragging a baby behind her in some kind of round sled thing that had a rope attached. The baby was probably alive.

Oh, and the waiter in the tavern. The place that Bart runs by is actually a tavern where you can get the best damn steak and potatoes I've ever eaten.

In conclusion, Estonia is now better than The Simpsons.

duck&cover - 2011-04-04

It's like when they replaced "Itchy and Scratchy" with "Worker and Parasite."

Supahfly - 2011-04-05

I too remember that episode.

spiteful crow - 2011-04-07

I knew this was missing a tag.

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