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Comment count is 7
kingarthur - 2011-04-07

He has a memoir? I've heard of striking while the iron is hot, but these pop kids are just disposable.

Riskbreaker - 2011-04-07

This is yet another Simpsons episode that becomes a reality. Bieber is the "i didn't do it kid" of this generation.

Desidiosus - 2011-04-07

I lost it when he said "1994".

Innocent Bystander - 2011-04-07

A wildly mythologized date, it seems.

Smellvin - 2011-04-07

Ghost written by someone trying to make it sound like it was written by a semi-literate teenager?

Bort - 2011-04-07

Gordon Pinsent was:

A) The token white guy in "Blacula"
B) The dead Mountie dad in "Due South"
C) There's more, but isn't that enough?

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-07

"Dear god, what he must have gone through..."

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