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Comment count is 7
IrishWhiskey - 2011-04-08

Mostly boring with some comedy derived from the terrible animation. That said, the "interview" with Prof. Schweitzer is classic Creationism at work:

Prof. Schweitzer: "We found something unexpected, we're not sure what it is yet, but its possible this is a great opportunity to challenge our assumptions and expand out knowledge"

Man in Dinosaur Costume: "So you are saying there's definitely fresh tissue, and therefore scientists were wrong about all science ever. We know the Bible is right, because if it were ever wrong on anything, it would fail as an authority. Since science was wrong here, it must entirely collapse as an authority. Bible Wins!

Toenails - 2011-04-08

So all the completely fossilized dinosaur remains disprove everything in the Bible?

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-08

So how many of the Fossil Finders do you think Van De Dino has touched inappropriately?

fatatty - 2011-04-08

So if dinosaurs are only 6000 years old why aren't they in the Bible?

Oh right, God is fucking with us, I forgot. What an asshole.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-04-09

google Behemoth bro

Rape Van Winkle - 2011-04-08

This is the worst thing ever.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-04-09

"The fossilization theories of evolution"

It's just one big god-debunking blur to them

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