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Comment count is 20
freedoom - 2011-04-09

What, no Baxter Stockman tag?

Corman's Inferno - 2011-04-09

What, no Jeff Goldblum tag?

CharlesSmith - 2011-04-09

The last cut makes it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-04-09

Stage 1: Wings, antenna, buzzing.

Stage 2: Full-on waspness.

Transition time between stages: 0 seconds.

StanleyPain - 2011-04-09

Guy knows what he's doing...

Hailey2006 - 2011-04-09

There was another episode where she turns into a cat girl and another where she turned into a fish monster

RomancingTrain - 2011-04-09

well dude in the comics interacting fact about the April in the comics kind in a way turned a lot of things just like the classic April but the things she turned into the comics where a lot more serious and more deadly

for example in one of the issues in Peter Larid and Kevin Eastmen comics April got kidnapped by nano bots and they injected nano bots in her to turn her against the turtles but in that issue the turtles ended up saving her

so this had happen to April before

Hailey2006 - 2011-04-09

Let's not forget there was an episode called "Attack of the 50ft Irma"

Adramelech - 2011-04-09

How many Troper Tales have you appeared in? Can I have autographs?

memedumpster - 2011-04-09

*points to subgenital plate*

revdrew - 2011-04-09

Three fetishes in one!

1) Slime fetish

2) Forced transformation fetish

3) Anthropomorphic wasp fetish

poorwill - 2011-04-09

There's a link to one of April sneezing at the end of the clip too. Who knew ninja turtles was so erotic?

FABIO - 2011-04-09

I was looking for Valkyrie Profile gameplay footage since everyone says it's fun, found the vore one, went to submit it and noticed this and whole bunch of related transformation juju.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2011-04-09

goo barely covered her, 1.5/10

BHWW - 2011-04-09

Yeah, I could barely fap to that at all. Barely.

Longshot- - 2011-04-09

Just barely. It was rough, I had to put it on a loop.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-10

Sometimes I wish this site was about more than kittens and fetishes. Sometimes I don't.

Old_Zircon - 2011-08-17

What else is there?

Nikon - 2011-04-10

Really disappointed she didn't turn into something like
Q-Bee: http://tinyurl.com/5vhf2ee

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-04-12

That's exactly what I was hoping for, too.

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