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Comment count is 19
bongoprophet - 2011-04-09

my life sure was better before I heard term vore

now I fucking see it everywhere

HankFinch - 2011-04-09

... in every child's smile

NewHeavenSalesman - 2011-04-09

At first I thought they were going to rip off Resident Evil 2, but then they ripped off Diablo instead! I'm impressed!!!!

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-10

Only no one jammed a giant spike into their head.

themilkshark - 2011-04-09

This is what psychopaths think about all day

Adramelech - 2011-04-09

Ed Gein could've lived a normal life if he had this game.

memedumpster - 2011-04-09

I guess it's not a Jewish monster.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-04-09

The pain and heartbreak of puberty.

RocketBlender - 2011-04-09

The original was a fun game, but I gave up on this one after about an hour. Glad to know this is the kind of shit I missed out on.

Kid Fenris - 2011-04-10

You are aware that this scene is from the PSP port of the original Valkyrie Profile, aren't you?

Also, there's nothing else like this scene in the remainder of the game.

SixDigitDebt - 2011-04-09

Holy shit, did Diablo just come out of the closet?

mashedtater - 2011-04-09

she is growing so much, shes gonna need a new dress for easter

sosage - 2011-04-09

Killed a guy by just grabbing his helmet very hard.

duck&cover - 2011-04-10

Squeezed it like an empty beer can.

StanleyPain - 2011-04-10

It's worth clarifying that this "Lenneth" which is the fancy next-gen remake of the original Valkyrie Profile which was a pretty amazing and cool game, despite being maddeningly difficult.

FABIO - 2011-04-10

Was it the gameplay? Because the story and dialog seem typical jRPG overwrought tripe.

StanleyPain - 2011-04-10

Mostly gameplay, but the story wasn't bad either. The original Valkyrie Profile was about you (a valkyrie) listening to dramatic situations on Earth where people were about to die in tragic ways. When the person died, you intervened and offered to take their souls to Valhalla where they could then participate in Ragnarok. Of course, to get the souls "prepared" the game involved lots of battling all sorts of other shit in order to grind everybody up.

Kid Fenris - 2011-04-10

"Lenneth" wasn't a remake. It was just the original PlayStation game dumped on the PSP with a few new cutscenes.

Valkyrie Profile is excellent. It's on the short list of RPGs I'd actually defend.

Maru - 2012-11-18

VP had good dialogue. It was definitely one of the stronger localizations of a jRPG.

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