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Comment count is 11
Riskbreaker - 2011-04-13

I can't help but quote one of the yt comments, i really hope this creature never has kids.

Spike Jonez - 2011-04-13

Snookis reproduce through budding. The polyp begins as a vaginal wart, develops cold sores and a drinking problem, and detaches itself in a bar or club where it will immediately seek out a host. It can go through a metamorphosis into the medusa stage once it is in the presence of cameras.

dek863 - 2011-04-13

Should have the "Why the terrorists hate us" tag.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2011-04-13

Trashy as anything with ass for days. I'd hit it.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-13

This blends the worst of audio and visual, truly a pinnacle of human achievement.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-13

Jersey Shore will fade out like Limp Bizkit did only I won't be asking "What the hell happened to Jersey Shore? I kinda miss that trash being on my TV."

Comatose2 - 2011-04-13

Let me get this straight. You have at some point found yourself saying "What the hell happened to Limp Bizkit? I kinda miss that trash being on my radio."?

For shame, sir.

For shame.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-13

No. I miss their hilarious videos. I wouldn't listen to their music but their videos are dope as fuck.

theSnake - 2011-04-14

fuck you

Pillager - 2011-04-15

Snooki punch = 5 stars

Billy the Poet - 2011-10-01

There's some axiom about doing arithmetic with wrongs. How does that go?

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