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Comment count is 11
Simian Pride - 2011-04-10

This is actually watched by children!?

There might be hope for the future after all then.

kingarthur - 2011-04-10

My friend has a four year old boy who LOVES this show. His wee two year old sister is also fascinated by Ponyo.

duck&cover - 2011-04-10

Never thought I'd see grave-robbing in a kid's cartoon.

poorwill - 2011-04-10

They do that all the time in this show.

Redlof - 2011-04-10

That's the Flapjack guy as the witch, I'm pretty sure.

Aubrey McFate - 2011-04-10

You are correct!

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-04-10

Who's Finn talking to at 4:14?

fluffy - 2011-04-11

Not that it matters, but why is this horizontally flipped?

Fyren - 2011-04-11

Allegedly avoids getting the video taken down by automated infringement detection.

fluffy - 2011-04-18

That must be one hell of a weak detection algorithm if it gets confounded by such a simple manipulation.

Squeamish - 2011-04-11

No words. Just stars.

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