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Comment count is 21
kingarthur - 2011-04-18

We have those damn things here too and I have to park under one.

Johnny Madhouse - 2011-04-18


Caminante Nocturno - 2011-04-18

What do you mean shake it better?!

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

I was hoping this would be a video of one of those spider trees in Pakistan.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370181/Millions-spide rs-crawled-trees-creepy-effect-Pakistan-floods.html

imagine shaking one of those

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

because, instead of pollen, it would be spiders

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

a thick cloud of spiders descending down on you

as a lady said



In a loud, declarative voice.

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

it would be terrible

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

but also beautiful

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

the spidery mist

Tuan Jim - 2011-04-18

of spiders

takewithfood - 2011-04-18


TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2011-04-18

He just jerked that tree off.

fedex - 2011-04-19

tree wants a cigarette and breakfast, bitch

mouser - 2011-04-19

It's a bark job.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-19

Full release.

The Townleybomb - 2011-04-18

Pollen! Pollen!

craptacular - 2011-04-19


yeah thanks kid

hammsangwich - 2011-04-18


rustedmutt - 2011-04-19

When I lived in Georgia, springtime would turn my green car bright yellow...and my sinuses into bricks of miserable.

Desidiosus - 2011-04-19

Great, now a bunch of bees are sitting around with nothing to do. Jackass.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-10


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